Installation from source
How to install Seccubus from source?
Seccubus can be installed directly from a github clone.
Attention we actually recommand you use prebuilt packages located at [] or the docker
containers unless you are an experienced linux user
Clone the github repository
git clone
Make sure you have prerequisite software
You need to have the following software to build seccubus
- git
- Make
- Java
- Mojolicious
On Debian based systems (e.g. Kali linux) you can run the following command to install it:
sudo apt-get install make git openjdk-11-jre libmojolicious-perl
cd Seccubus
Now you need to run as root
cd build
sudo ./ –-help
Running ./ –help will show the help message and show the paramers for the Seccubus install. E.g. if you want to install everything in /opt/seccubus do:
sudo ./ --basedir=/opt/seccubus
Start seccubus
cd /opt/seccubus
PERL5LIB=/opt/seccubus hypnotoad
Configure seccubus
Now we have to create its database and update its configuration.
Go to the configuration directory and copy config.xml.mysql.example to config.xml
cd /opt/seccubus/etc
cp config.xml.mysql.example config.xml
Edit config.xml and change the database server, username and password to the values matching your setup
Create database
Now create the database and populate the database with the following commands:
mysql << EOF
create database seccubus;
grant all privileges on seccubus.* to seccubus@localhost identified by '<password>';
flush privileges;
mysql -u seccubus –p seccubus < /opt/seccubus/db/structure_vX.mysql
mysql -u seccubus -p seccubus < /opt/seccubus/db/data_vX.mysql
Reload seccubus
cd /opt/seccubus