Installation on Fedora

How to install Seccubus on Fedora?

Click here for other operating systems

From the package cloud repo

For the repo that is synced with current releases run

curl -s | sudo bash

For the repo that is synced with the latest code pushes to master run

curl -s | sudo bash

Once the repo is set up you can install Seccubus via the regular dnf command

dnf install seccubus

If you get an error about the package not being trusted, then please run apt-get install gpg before you run the script from

Dowloaded from Github

Install the rpm

sudo dnf install Seccubus-2.x.x-x.noarch.rpm

Update the configuration file in /etc/seccubus/config.xml

Now create the database and populate the database with the following commands:

sudo systemctl start mariadb # If mariadb isn't running
mysql << EOF
create database seccubus;
grant all privileges on seccubus.* to seccubus@localhost identified by 'seccubus';
flush privileges;

mysql -u seccubus -pseccubus seccubus < /opt/seccubus/var/structure_vX.mysql 
                # Use version and path indicated on the screen
mysql -u seccubus -pseccubus seccubus < /opt/seccubus/var/data_vX.mysql 
                # Use version and path indicated on the screen

Replace X with the database version that you need.

Restart the service

sysctl restart seccubus.service

Database tweaks

The following tweak may be needed for /MariaDB if you are handling larger scan results in /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf:

innodb_log_file_size = 1024M